Distribution of After-hours Collaboration Hours as a 100% stacked bar | afterhours_dist |
Distribution of After-hours Collaboration Hours (Fizzy Drink plot) | afterhours_fizz |
After-hours Collaboration Time Trend - Line Chart | afterhours_line |
Rank groups with high After-Hours Collaboration Hours | afterhours_rank |
Summary of After-Hours Collaboration Hours | afterhours_sum afterhours_summary |
After-Hours Time Trend | afterhours_trend |
Anonymise a categorical variable by replacing values | anonymise anonymize |
Identify whether variable is an IDate class. | any_idate |
Convert "CamelCase" to "Camel Case" | camel_clean |
Check whether a data frame contains all the required variable | check_inputs |
Check a query to ensure that it is suitable for analysis | check_query |
Collaboration - Stacked Area Plot | collaboration_area collab_area |
Distribution of Collaboration Hours as a 100% stacked bar | collaboration_dist collab_dist |
Distribution of Collaboration Hours (Fizzy Drink plot) | collaboration_fizz collab_fizz |
Collaboration Time Trend - Line Chart | collaboration_line collab_line |
Collaboration Ranking | collaboration_rank collab_rank |
Collaboration Summary | collaboration_sum collaboration_summary collab_sum collab_summary |
Collaboration Time Trend | collaboration_trend |
Add comma separator for thousands | comma |
Copy a data frame to clipboard for pasting in Excel | copy_df |
Mean Bar Plot for any metric | create_bar |
Create a bar chart without aggregation for any metric | create_bar_asis |
Box Plot for any metric | create_boxplot |
Create a bubble plot with two selected Viva Insights metrics (General Purpose), with size representing the number of employees in the group. | create_bubble |
Create a density plot for any metric | create_density |
Horizontal 100 percent stacked bar plot for any metric | create_dist |
Create interactive tables in HTML with 'download' buttons. | create_dt |
Fizzy Drink / Jittered Scatter Plot for any metric | create_fizz |
Create a histogram plot for any metric | create_hist |
Create an incidence analysis reflecting proportion of population scoring above or below a threshold for a metric | create_inc create_incidence |
Compute Information Value for Predictive Variables | create_IV |
Time Trend - Line Chart for any metric | create_line |
Create a line chart without aggregation for any metric | create_line_asis |
Calculate the Lorenz Curve and Gini Coefficient in a Person Query | create_lorenz |
Period comparison scatter plot for any two metrics | create_period_scatter |
Rank all groups across HR attributes on a selected Viva Insights metric | create_rank |
Create combination pairs of HR variables and run 'create_rank()' | create_rank_combine |
Create a sankey chart from a two-column count table | create_sankey |
Create a Scatter plot with two selected Viva Insights metrics (General Purpose) | create_scatter |
Horizontal stacked bar plot for any metric | create_stacked |
Create a line chart that tracks metrics over time with a 4-week rolling average | create_tracking |
Heat mapped horizontal bar plot over time for any metric | create_trend |
Convert a numeric variable for hours into categorical | cut_hour |
Distribution of Email Hours as a 100% stacked bar | email_dist |
Distribution of Email Hours (Fizzy Drink plot) | email_fizz |
Email Time Trend - Line Chart | email_line |
Email Hours Ranking | email_rank |
Email Summary | email_sum email_summary |
Email Hours Time Trend | email_trend |
Export 'vivainsights' outputs to CSV, clipboard, or save as images | export |
Distribution of External Collaboration Hours as a 100% stacked bar | external_dist |
Distribution of External Collaboration Hours (Fizzy Drink plot) | external_fizz |
External Collaboration Hours Time Trend - Line Chart | external_line |
Rank groups with high External Collaboration Hours | external_rank |
External Collaboration Summary | external_sum external_summary |
Extract date period | extract_date_range |
Extract HR attribute variables | extract_hr |
Flag unusual high collaboration hours to after-hours collaboration hours ratio | flag_ch_ratio |
Flag Persons with unusually high Email Hours to Emails Sent ratio | flag_em_ratio |
Warn for extreme values by checking against a threshold | flag_extreme |
Flag unusual outlook time settings for work day start and end time | flag_outlooktime |
Sample Group-to-Group dataset | g2g_data |
Generate HTML report with list inputs | generate_report |
Generate HTML report based on existing RMarkdown documents | generate_report2 |
Generate a vector of 'n' contiguous colours, as a red-yellow-green palette. | heat_colors heat_colours |
Employee count over time | hr_trend |
Create a count of distinct people in a specified HR variable | analysis_scope hrvar_count |
Create count of distinct fields and percentage of employees with missing values for all HR variables | hrvar_count_all |
Track count of distinct people over time in a specified HR variable | hrvar_trend |
Identify employees who have churned from the dataset | identify_churn |
Identify date frequency based on a series of dates | identify_datefreq |
Identify whether a habitual behaviour exists over a given interval of time | identify_habit |
Identify Holiday Weeks based on outliers | identify_holidayweeks |
Identify Inactive Weeks | identify_inactiveweeks |
Identify Non-Knowledge workers in a Person Query using Collaboration Hours | identify_nkw |
Identify metric outliers over a date interval | identify_outlier |
Identify groups under privacy threshold | identify_privacythreshold |
Identify shifts based on outlook time settings for work day start and end time | identify_shifts |
Tenure calculation based on different input dates, returns data summary table or histogram | identify_tenure |
Import a query from Viva Insights Analyst Experience | import_query |
Identify whether string is a date format | is_date_format |
Generate a Information Value HTML Report | IV_report |
Jitter metrics in a data frame | jitter_metrics |
Run a summary of Key Metrics from the Standard Person Query data | keymetrics_scan |
Run a summary of Key Metrics without aggregation | keymetrics_scan_asis |
Max-Min Scaling Function | maxmin |
Distribution of Meeting Hours as a 100% stacked bar | meeting_dist |
Distribution of Meeting Hours (Fizzy Drink plot) | meeting_fizz |
Meeting Time Trend - Line Chart | meeting_line |
Meeting Hours Ranking | meeting_rank |
Meeting Summary | meeting_sum meeting_summary |
Generate a Meeting Text Mining report in HTML | meeting_tm_report |
Meeting Hours Time Trend | meeting_trend |
Sample Meeting Query dataset | mt_data |
Create a network plot with the group-to-group query | network_g2g |
Perform network analysis with the person-to-person query | network_p2p |
Summarise node centrality statistics with an igraph object | network_summary |
Distribution of Manager 1:1 Time as a 100% stacked bar | one2one_dist |
Distribution of Manager 1:1 Time (Fizzy Drink plot) | one2one_fizz |
Frequency of Manager 1:1 Meetings as bar or 100% stacked bar chart | one2one_freq |
Manager 1:1 Time Trend - Line Chart | one2one_line |
Manager 1:1 Time Ranking | one2one_rank |
Manager 1:1 Time Summary | one2one_sum one2one_summary |
Manager 1:1 Time Trend | one2one_trend |
Sample person-to-person dataset | p2p_data |
Simulate a person-to-person query using a Watts-Strogatz model | p2p_data_sim |
Create the two-digit zero-padded format | pad2 |
Perform a pairwise count of words by id | pairwise_count |
Sample Person Query dataset | pq_data |
Prepare variable names and types in query data frame for analysis | prep_query |
Read preamble | read_preamble |
Convert rgb to HEX code | rgb2hex |
Main theme for 'vivainsights' visualisations | theme_wpa |
Basic theme for 'vivainsights' visualisations | theme_wpa_basic |
Clean subject line text prior to analysis | tm_clean |
Analyse word co-occurrence in subject lines and return a network plot | tm_cooc |
Perform a Word or Ngram Frequency Analysis and return a Circular Bar Plot | tm_freq |
Generate a wordcloud with meeting subject lines | tm_wordcloud |
Row-bind an identical data frame for computing grouped totals | totals_bind |
Fabricate a 'Total' HR variable | totals_col |
Sankey chart of organizational movement between HR attributes and missing values (outside company move) (Data Overview) | track_HR_change |
Generate a time stamp | tstamp |
Replace underscore with space | us_to_space |
Generate a Data Validation report in HTML | validation_report |
Add a character at the start and end of a character string | wrap |
Wrap text based on character threshold | wrap_text |
Calculate Chatterjee's Rank Correlation Coefficient | xicor |